Friday, February 14, 2025

Scheduling and Planning START!

Every year the time of the project that takes weeks initially seems like a long time but time doesn’t wait for you. Those weeks turn to days, turn to hours, turn to deadlines. It’s easy to think you have all the time in the world but that’s not realistic. Let’s see what I can really plan.

When looking at everything right now, I don’t think I have any exact dates for things planned yet. I’ll have to make a more concrete timeline the week after this one but for now I have ideas of things I need to do and things I already have planned personally. For example, I have university orientations during the coming weeks and I have family events and even my drivers license pick up during the time of March. March will be hectic so I have to take full advantage of the times in class accordingly.

The remaining weeks of February should be good since I don’t have any other major events planned but I also need to think of possible club meetings that are coming up. I’m in the schools NHs and in order to stay in the club a certain amount of hours are to be gotten within an allotted amount of time. How will I navigate this with the deadlines I set for myself with this project? All things that must be considered. 

 I know that for this project, I need extensive B-roll and that I need interviews. For the ideas I have I think the interviews will take a lot of time to get as well as making interview questions and topics. Setting up the baseline for these will be the most important in these starting weeks. I think that if I can manage to organize myself these next two weeks and stay on task with my blogs and work I should be able to get things done quite easily. In order to motivate myself to stay on task, I’ve challenged my brother to keep each other in check. Me in posting my blogs on time and him on staying on tasks with his sports activities. Maybe I’ll be able to use him in an interview. I’m getting off topic. 

With these things in mind, I’ll be able to keep myself on task and develop a more wholistic plan for my schedule. Until next time!

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