Friday, March 22, 2024

The setting


Good afternoon blog,
So Romina and I finally finished our ideas for the idea for our film. We decided to make a military fictional movie that focsuses on our characters idea of the world he lives in through acting rather than mostly dialogue. The main plot of the story for our mc is that his parents were in the military and sent on a mission. His mom is killed and his dad gravely injured. He develeops an image in his mind that this place is wicked and that the only way for it to not be is if the people are freed. However, he is not a normal person and his mind is skewed in naivety and ignorance. He wants to create a anarchy where he can rise up to the top and become the monarch and then crush it all himself. Romina came up with the more antiquate part of anarchy and I really liked it. 

The places we established for our setting were as follow:
The auditorium for the initial scene with the monarch and his speech
House for filming the scenes with the mc
The street of the neighborhood 
The school courtyard for a few interactions with other people
The basketball court
The hallway into the Jrotc room.

The places are selected from what we found most convent and that helped wit the process of producing the film. We wanted to also include things like focusing ,moving shots, long shots, close ups, and more. The idea is to build a sense of unease with the protagonist from the get go and shot composition will be extremely important. Anyways, that's all the time I have left. Until next time!

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