Sunday, March 17, 2024


 Good afternoon blog,

Today starts the first day of filming the intro to the film. I have a basic idea of what exactly I want to do through the rough design of the story board but I won't bore you with the details at the moment. For now lets turn our attention to the actual videos themselves.

The first video is a video that shows the monarchs entrance to his big speech. The is probably going to change angle wise because of how you can see my filming throughout the video. Still I really like how the shot came out and looked like how the presidents would walk on stage. Aden (The actor) is really good at playing these types of characters and I feel like the role fit perfectly for him. We also got to film in the auditorium because of him.

As you can see, Aden isn't really reading of the script well and that is because of our constraint time with getting into the auditorium and getting him to read the script a few times. It would have been better if he were more prepared but it was also my fault for not reminding him about reading the script over a few times. It's a fine mistake.

After these initial filming, I felt really dissatisfied with my work and went back to the cutting board to do some more work on the angles I wanted within the story boarding. I talked with Romina as well to make sure we were on the right page and we both went through the videos accordingly and discussed. For her it was more on the side of the lightening and how my shadow would appear. She said she could edit it out but I felt we could do with better angles to more appropriately paint the light of a power figure that the monarch is supposed to be. Besides that, the angles need to be more focused and less wishy washy. I think we are just going to do max 3 angles for the monarch in order for it to be more focused on his speech. The more the angles, the more things are taken away from the scene itself. Anyways, that seems like all the time I got. We are going to work on improving the story board and recording again. Until next time!

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