Saturday, March 16, 2024

Script Done!

 Good afternoon Blog, 

The script is FINISHED. I am happy to announce that the script has been done. It isn't a long script because of the lack of dialogue throughout most of the film. Though that isn't inherintly a bad thing. I want to convey scenes through just mise-en-scene and acting which can either work in my favor or backfire hard. I am aware of the risk and don't mind taking it. Regardless, take a look at it! 

Amazing huh? Well it still has things that can make it more fleshed out but the script is def done for the most part. Celtix, while initially complicated with button layout, made the creating process much easier. Even with the stupid free version, it still seemed really good. I think the opening dialogue is going to have to stick and the scenes leading up with the opening of the film. I asked out my friends smiles to play the monarch because of how he is always wearing suits. I feel like that is literally the perfect part about it. It's also fun to work with other people and work to create a good script. I didn't realize how much fun i'd be having while discussing with Romina about all the different ways we can take the script and how to properly convey the scenes we wanted to show. Another great thing with collaborating is actually getting a name for the main character! Finally Ciel has a name. I think it's a great name for the premise of the film and it's french influence. I think it ties itself pretty well where if people really look into the naming conventions of the characters and people, they can figure out the story pretty easily. But, that's about all the time we have today. Until next time~!

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