Friday, March 22, 2024

Script Part 2

 Good afternoon Blog, 

This is part 2 of the storyboard. If you haven't read part 1, go ahead and do so!

After going through the door, he walks outside around his community. In order to get to where he has to go he walks by and occasionally says hi to the neighbors. His back is turned away from the camera for most of the interactions with an over the shoulder shot so we don't see his face but as soon as a neighbor mentions how his father is doing it goes to a closeup with his eye twitching in irritation for a second.

After that he arrives in the "military facility" which will just be the courtyard and the basketball courts of the school. We will be shown this from a low angle, making it feel as though when you are in the army place, you are beneath him and in his domain.

He finally ends the opening in front of the door before coming before the door of the main room. He takes out his phone and checks his different smiles. He wants to make sure he has the perfect one. Ths is a little bit of characterization for him showing how fake he is and how everything he does is a carefully planned together act. The audience knowing his personality and intentions I feel is very important to the opening and movies in general. Anyways, that's all the time we have. Until next time.

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