Friday, December 13, 2024

Day 4: ✨Editing✨

The most challenging part of the project was the editing—this is where everything seemed to go wrong.

To start, the software I typically use for editing, Adobe Premiere, had an expired subscription, and I couldn’t renew it at the time. This immediately set me back, especially with the time constraints we were under. Although I knew the editing wouldn’t be as polished as it could be, we still had to get it done and submitted. I decided to use CapCut instead, as it’s a solid substitute for Premiere. To efficiently bring both of our visions to life, Romina and I worked over a call to finish the project. While I compiled everything, Romina gave suggestions and provided additional music and videos to enhance the project.

Adjusting to CapCut was tricky at first since I had to rediscover all the small details of the software, but I adapted quickly. However, an unexpected issue arose—files kept getting deleted randomly, making it much harder to finish the edit. After a long night, we finally completed the project and were both really happy with the result.

Unfortunately, a submission problem surfaced. Each of us assumed the other had submitted the project, but neither of us had. When we returned from the break, Mrs. Stoklosa informed us about the issue, so I quickly sent it. However, my computer acted up, and the file didn’t send correctly, forcing me to resend it. The whole process was incredibly stressful, but eventually, we managed to submit the project properly.

Despite the challenges, the project was really fun, though the time constraints added a lot of pressure. Thinking ahead, I’d love to create another documentary for my final project. I’ll start brainstorming ideas in the background until further notice!

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