Thursday, March 28, 2024

Filming finished!

 Good afternoon blog,

The final day of filming! I was excited that we finally got a date for filming and actually planned properly after the mistake on Tuesday. Learning from mistakes is the hardest part of doing all of this so we have to make the most of what we have left. Regardless, we scheduled a time around 5 which would be a good enough time yk get things started as it wasn’t too dark yet and still light enough to film everything! I packed up my stuff, got in the car and drove myself over.

Romina lived in the lakes which was a community that wasn’t too far from me. Originally we were going to film some of the scenes at her house and some of them at mine but because of the way the community was set up, it was just too perfect to be the set for things. When I got there, we immediately started going over our story board and hashing over what exactly we wanted to do with the films we set up. During that time, I was going to start changing but a we got a lively surprise. 

Romina’s sister was in the house and I knew her previously because we were both in jrotc. That meant that she also had a uniform and everything I had. I noticed this and talked it over with romina. It would be way better if she was to star as the main character instead of me. Not only because the rooms we were filming in weren’t the type to be in a men’s room but also for better time setting and for me to do the camera work. For most of the film I did the camera work and I felt like I did a good job. I’m confident in the camera so I tried to convince her to join. After a few minutes of talking and insisting that she’ll look great within the film, she reluctantly agreed. 

So after that we started the filming. We described the general vibe of the main character she would be playing. The main issue with Romina’s sister is that she was rarely serious. She would smile pretty often and that kind of contradicted the type of character she was trying to play. We had to council her into how exactly she should be looking for a bit and how she should present herself. She did a great job adapting quickly and did her best to fit in. It wasn’t something out of nowhere as she was aware of the project beforehand but it was still none the less impressive. 

The scenes we started off with were scenes that all took place within her room. This space was pretty small and barren but fit perfectly with the vibe. To add onto it, off camera was a walk in closet with a light. This light would be perfect for the specific lighting we needed in the room at the start in order for it to not look really bad and dark at the start. Utilizing the closet door to change the amount of light that was visible was kind of a novel and creative idea in my book and I think it worked. After that, since it was getting a little darker, we were able to replicate how things in the morning would be: daybreak. The timing was pretty genius as even though it was the afternoon we could show it as of it was the morning. I don’t think it I came in the middle of the day I could properly replicate this image of the scenes and made the tone of the morning feel especially moody. 

We then filmed the scenes in the house and outside which flowed seamlessly together as she put on her uniform. The uniform was well kept as I told her before in jrotc class to keep it clean for upcoming events. This seemed to be a double perk as it was ready to be worn for the costume design. The uniform was out on and she really killed it with the more subtle scenes where she has to put on the facade of being a good caring person with no worries. 

Overall filming went really well and I think that the editing process will be smooth, even if I feel we took a little too much footage. Anyways that’s about all the time we have! Until next time! 

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