Saturday, February 17, 2024

The switch

 Good afternoon blog,

I had a break of school yesterday as we get to have Valentine's Day off. During that day I wanted to get ahead into the project so I decided to watch some more film openings in order to get a better idea of what I wanted to do. Turns out, my horror idea wasn’t as appealing as I had thought. That isn’t to say that i’d switch my ideas at seeing anything and continue to do that but I came up with a more engaging idea. I feel like it’d be way better to make something that isn’t horror. I don’t feel like horror would be pushing what exactly I wanted to do. Here is my idea: I want to make a project regarding the speech from one of my favorite series, JJBA (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) on the topic of being a leader. The scene originates from a part of the story where the main antagonist, president Funny Valentine is talking to another character about the position of being a leader. The president is a very parotitic man is fighting others in order for is country to be safe. He doesn't care if he has to get rid of innocents, the ends justify the means. The speech is basically saying this and that it takes a strong person to be able to carry out this action. The presidents speech somewhat inspired me with some powerful beginning monologues very similar to Oppenheimer. I wanted to see if I could replicate a scene similar to this in my own way so I went to my partner Romina to ask if she liked it and she did. We wouldn't outright copy it but we both liked the idea so it should work. However, Romina came to me with another proposition that we should change up the speech a bit to fit a new narrative. I wasn't quite sure if it would work but it seemed very interesting to try out so I said why not and we started discussing. We haven't got many details down but I'll be sure to share it with you in my next blog post Until next time!

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