Friday, October 27, 2023

Sound Project

 The sound project was the fourth major project that I had this year. The project was about creating a soundscape that got across the idea of a any scene  you wanted to convey. This creative freedom gave us a lot to work with so we could essentially make anything that was appropriate. The scene we decided to go with was a unique one. We decided to make a scene of a detective stumbling upon a crime scene with them finding a criminal. This is how things went.

The project started with us brainstorming up an idea of what we wanted to do. We wanted to do something within a city but wanted it to be unique. We originally wanted to have a fire department going into a building which might have been an easier option because of how distinct the sound of fire is to people but we wanted to challenge ourselves. We went with another profession, detective work and decided that we would be making someone entering a crimescene and having a short scuffle with the killer. We documented it all in the link bellow. As we came up with the scene in our heads, we decided to describe exactly what we wanted and add sound effects to accompany them. Immersing the listener was the most important part so we tried to be as descriptive as possible. 


After that I went over to make the project with the sounds and it was fun. I worked with my partner to make the folley sounds and tried to squeeze in the right sounds and ambiance to make the scene seem as real as possible. In the end I submitted it as well as my folley videos. The project was definitely the most fun one yet and I learned how important sound design is in movies.
Finished project

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