Sunday, September 24, 2023

Preliminary projects

 The shot angles quiz project was a project where you had to take several different shots and name and identify them. The shots were explained to us the classes previously and we had to properly replicate and enhance them in our own way. 

The way we approached it first was to create a story. What exactly did we want to write about? What exactly did we want to convey with these shots. From there we decided to go with a simple story about someone entering a classroom and drawing on their book.

From there we started talking about potential shots and composition and what exactly we wanted to convey through these shots. We discussed different orders on how to do them and then went from there.

We continued to take the different shots until we felt satisfied and we were done. The finished product was the powerpoint we turned in with all 15 shots.

In the end, we didn't get the best grade because of our confusing angles and not following through completely with the naming we gave some particular shots. However, now I realize how specific and concise you have to be with shooting those shots. It was rather interesting and certainly a project to learn from for when I'm making film projects going forward!

Friday, September 15, 2023


This blog will be used in order to keep all my work in class organized and in order to post specific assignments for the class. Blogs can be useful for these sort of things and though i've never used one, it seems to be interesting. There isn't really much here to start with so I am excited to see where this goes and to look back at the end of the year to see my progress. After all progress can only truly be seen after the fact!

Genre research: An idea of what I might want to write about

I started watching the first part of this documentary of what I might want to do my documentary on: writing. Watching the first bit of it th...